Welcome to Integrated Controller Systems!

We specialize in building low power high functionality radio repeater controllers.  We offer several products to meet your needs for controllers, and we also specialize in hard to find adapters to make connecting your radios up to a controller easy.  If you need an interface adapter we don’t yet offer, drop us an note on the contact us page, we likely can help you our for a very nominal cost.

If you are looking for a controller with the flexibility of a Linux computer, you need the Raspberry Pi based PI-REPEATER family of controllers.  If you want power lower than even the Raspberry Pi can offer (~125mA@12V), have a look at our Linker-IIa and basic controllers to further drive down the power consumption.


The PI-REPEATER-1X and 2X controllers are a daughter board that fits the Raspberry Pi Zero form factor (the 1X) and the Raspberry Pi 2/3 format for multiple channel interfaces (2x).  While small in form factor, the controllers offer a number of useful features built in, including the sound card (no more USB sound cards), switch selectable active high / active low inputs for COS and CTCSS signals, 2A active low PTT driver, 18 turn adjustment potentiometers for fine adjustments, indicator LEDs, 8 channels of analog input, 8 channels of GPIO, and on some models the option to add in a GPS module for accurate time keeping at remote locations.

What about the software features we all have come to expect of a modern controller?  SVXlink, the control software, an open source console application offers a large selection of features that includes highly configurable automatic IDs with both voice and CW options, native multi-channel support, VOX/COS (GPIO)/etc. for squelch control,  simplex/duplex/voter/streaming/network linked/etc configurations.

The architecture also allows the development and use of expansion modules to further extend the base functionality to fit your needs.  Some pre-existing modules include EchoLink, DTMF controlled relays, Free Radio Network, Parrot (echo back), and others are being developed by the community on a regular basis.

We encourage users of the PI-REPEATER Family to visit our friends over at OpenRepeater.com, who build a Raspberry Pi image preconfigured with a web interface that goes over SVXlink, that has built in support for our controllers with a quick setup option in the settings wizard.

Linker-IIa and BASIC Controllers

If you want ultra low power controllers and are willing to sacrifice some of flexibility of the Linux computer, but still want a high reliability controller, you should have a look at our PIC processor based repeater controllers, specifically the Linker IIa, a dual port controller that uses only 0.5W of power, and our “BASIC” single port controller with a power rating of 0.3W.  The Linker IIa was our flag-ship controller system until we introduced the PI-REPEATER system, and as such has a large number of features included to get you set up nicely.

Some of the features of the Linker IIa include the ability to control the entire configuration through DTMF, save and recall macros, CW automatic IDs, anti-kerchunker, and about 130 others.  Hop over to the Linker IIa controller page, and the Basic controller page to learn more.