For users not familiar with the SVXlink platform, or not familiar with navigating and editing from a console interface in Linux,  we suggest starting with the OpenRepeater image. The OpenRepeater image provides an easy to use web-browser based setup that fully supports the PI-REPEATER-1X/2X controller boards.  The user interface is intentionally kept to the basic feature sets that are required to get up and running while you learn to use the new controller.

Grab the latest Open Repeater release  and see the Getting Started Page for login details

For users that are comfortable with the console interface and don’t need the web interface, or need more advanced setup options, you should look at the ICS-CTRL preconfigured images.

For the ICS-CTRL images, the login username is “pi” with a password of “ICS-CTRL”.

Building the SD card from preconfigured image


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