To help support our customers with the MASTR III radio series, we have developed a set of extender cards that bring out the chassis connectors far enough to allow you to have the modules installed to the chassis and be able to access the circuit boards for probing, performing tuning and alignments, and taking in-circuit measurements.
Large Extender
The large extender measures 5 1/4″(T) by 10 1/4″(L) (133X260mm) not including the mating connectors or the support rails, and includes test points in the support rail for measuring audio and VCO signals with mini-banana jacks so you can hook the signals up directly to your measurement instruments. All signals are routed through discretely, allowing you to use with any size appropriate card, with any signal pinout.
Mini Extender
The mini extender measures 4.2″(T) by 7″(L) (107x178mm) not including the mating connectors, and does not come with support rail extenders. All signals are routed through discretely, allowing you to use with any size appropriate card, with any signal pinout.